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Terms and Conditions of Use

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This website (http://www.vantaequity.com) is a website operated by Vantaequity ("Vantaequity"). The information on the website is communicated by Vantaequity and/or its affiliates both inside and outside the United Kingdom.

Vantaequity is registered in England and Wales with registration number OC3099228 and has its registered office at George House, 131 Sloane Street, London SW1X 9AT, United Kingdom.

Vantaequity is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") and is entered on the Financial Services Register (Register Number 22853211).

Vantaequity is registered as an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). Vantaequity is filed as an exempt reporting adviser with the SEC. Registration as an investment adviser does not denote any level of skill or training. Copies of the most recently filed Form ADV for these entities are available through the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure at https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/.

Investment Information

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An application for shares, limited partnership interests or units in any of the investment vehicles managed by Vantaequity or its affiliates should only be made having read fully the relevant prospectus or offering memorandum (together a "Prospectus") and subscription documentation. It is your responsibility to read such Prospectus and by making an application you will be deemed to represent that you have read such Prospectus and agree to be bound by its contents. Potential investors must refer to the Prospectus, not this website, for information on applicable investment offerings.

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The value of all investments and the income derived therefrom can decrease as well as increase. Past performance is no guide to or guarantee of future performance, which may vary materially.

The levels and bases of and reliefs from taxation may change. Any tax reliefs referred to are those currently available and their value depends on the circumstances of the individual investor. Investors should consult their own tax adviser in order to understand any applicable tax consequences.

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Persons considering investing in a vehicle managed by Vantaequity or its affiliates should read the risk disclosures in the relevant Prospectus.

Unless otherwise stated, returns are after trading costs, administration, investment management and performance fees ("Net").

Gross returns are presented before investment management and performance fees, and include the reinvestment of all income, but are after trading costs and administration fees. Actual returns will be reduced by investment management and performance fees and other expenses that may be incurred in the management of the relevant vehicle or account. Any returns labelled as "gross" do not represent the actual performance or investment returns for any account or investor.

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© Vantaequity

Vantaequity is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser. Registration as an investment adviser does not denote any level of skill or training. More information about investment advisers is available at adviserinfo.sec.gov.

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The material contained in this website is not investment advice, and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell any security. Opinions expressed are not factual in nature and are subject to change at any time. Material based on information from third party sources is believed reliable, but no representation is made that it is accurate or complete, and should not be relied upon for an investment decision. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.

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